I'm so fucking wasted right now, but it's fine. So I've decided to do this whole site thing with Wix, which is probably owned by Jews and its UI is garbage but who cares, it's not like this would survive either way. I've been fine for my two and a half decades on this earth
Bitcoin is fluctauting wildly and I can't spell that, but it's big. Coincucks were panicking yesterday after a crash but now it's worth around 18 billion dollars or something, so some fucking Coinchad better get off his ass and pay up some US National debt. I'm not entirely sure what would happen, but I immagine that, with no more debnts, some international bank will get a loan to print twice as much money to re-debtslave everybody.
That's the problem with a private bank or any form of consumerism, and that's what makes Cryptokikency so unique. Online, Bitkike is very influential, but still not tangible do to only estimated value. It's even less real than normal money, but as such can make you more rich more quick more easily. The level of spook to the economic platform makes it more viable, which is why leftist jews push big government and anarchism- they both end up with subverted goyim at the bottom of Jacob's ladder to the top story of the Fed or whatever.
Hooknosers also do this shit where they make the wild predictions about Bitcoin and shit to upset the goyim, further destabalizing the currency that they can't get their hands on. I guarantee it that if a jewish cryptocurrency came out they'd all be on board. Hell, there's even been talks. I saw it in the news, believe me, and if you don't, fuck you.
Jews love their money, so we have to continue this as much as possible. My only regret is that I never invested in Bitcoin, which I totally could have seven or eight years ago when I was a driftertard.