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The Eco Fascist, or, Was Brent Tarrant a Wigger?

I've described myself as an eco-fascist since abandoning hippie environmentalism, 4 years ago. I, always, disagreed with the frankly Marxist-inspired labor politic of many people on our side. Likewise, I disagreed, less so, with those who focused on land-based politic, as that makes whites outside of Europe, and especially white countries outside of Europe, invalid. I prefer the abstract, nature. But, I knew that this wouldn't catch on.

Or, I did, until this Aussie found a loophole out of pacifism.

If you want to read the manifesto, find it here-

Not to talk about the exact results of the attack or the ethic of our philosophies, or even the nature of pacifism and violence (a personal favorite).

Instead, I will use my knowledge of my lifestyle, which I find eerily similar to Tarrant's, to try and answer the question that this blog poses to everyone;

Is Brent Tarrant a wigger?

First, let's go back over how I define a wigger, beyond simply a white person who acts 'black' or 'uncivilized'?

Self waste, and the independent elimination of your own value, is what defines a wigger. A terrorist and a pacifist can both be wiggers, therefore, for the same reason. Equal-opportunity wiggering. Because, really, since when did blacks ever really bother to 'fix' the worst of their communities?

This self-wasting wiggerness is not like race-mixing (though, it can coincide with it), as, race-mixing is where you have another accomplice in harmful behaviors, which leads you towards it for some other perceived good. Not is it like anti-white advocacy, where you push harmful behavior for the sake of your party.

Be it a lover of another race or a political agenda, collective degradation of individual whiteness aren't wiggerness. I'd even argue that they are better than being a wigger, as at least you have a collective goal.

Wiggerness is pure, selfish, individualism. It is by and for yourself.

Further more, individualists who try to be selfish by intellectual means- selfists, if you may- aren't wiggers either. Wiggers aren't Jews trying to grab as much as they can, they are infants, in an unending tantrum.

However, Wiggers aren't animals. I'm not gonna be an autist who says as much. I will acknowledge that they do have goals, and desire personal advancement, but, if you look at what they do for this, it's clear that it's not worth it.

Look at these people, for instance- what are they trying to prove? Do they validate each other?

Brent Tarrant clearly knew his purpose, and, even said that he considered himself a uniformed officer of the law carrying out due justice. You, still, could argue that this is so blatantly wrong that he'd have to be some sort of idiot. That, and the memeing in his manifesto- which did sound distinctly more American than Aussie- shows how he debased himself.

This may be true- but you can't understand another's intentions. For this, my argument will now rely on personal experience.

I'm the kind of guy who wants to debate this with you because I barely every have social interaction. I work mostly alone, several low-level monitor parks in the cold of the Midwest, my homeland. It's meager, but I get to be with nature, which is more than can be said about most of the past decade of my life- I've been, if you can call it this, a victim of Vice. I'm not ready to publish everything, but writing, even the volumes of unpublished things, have helped.

I may even be the wigger I often warn about. I've struggled with drug shit for nearly 10 fucking years. And maybe that's helped too- I often think, maybe I wouldn't be pro-life without weed. Marijuana, drifting, and what were essentially hippie communes put me on a path that would ultimately result in good, but was it worth it? I might even argue that, perhaps, it is not, as, in this day and age, any tending towards vice is too much. I do believe in forgiveness, but that means I must admit my problem wasn't worth it.

Did Brent Tarrant have issues? Not my problems, but yes, I'd say he did. I felt the same lost feeling these past ten days that I've been going through his life. He went to Turkey, Israel, and Pakistan- shit countries, but I did drugs, lived in a van. Who am I to talk?

I think its a cop-out to just say that acknowledging fault makes you not a wigger, but I've come to another conclusion- it isn't words, but action. Action itself is still an abstract concept, so it doesn't violate the fascist precepts as the esoterica of truth. And, when your acts don't go perpendicular to the good, but parallel, yet still separate, to it, you can be redeemed more easily.

I think thank Brent Tarrant lost something that he never had. Those pictures with the girls sure showed it. And traveling the world may have changed that.

In this, I found the true analogy to me- while I like the nature, Brent likes the people side of Eco Fascism. That's why I'm a fucking hippie and he shot up a mosque.

Not that this site endorses terrorism in any way, and still wholly is a pro-pacifist publication, but, honestly, Tarrant seems like a man who pushed himself to the limits, but not for himself. It was for truth.

Was it the truth? Maybe. Was killing all those people good? No.

But the wigger is by and for himself, and I think Tarrant did what he did by and for truth.

That is a key difference between him and me. But I still have time to learn.

Brent Tarrant was not a wigger.

I say to the Eco Fascist, godspeed, brother.



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