The Pendulum, or, Trump, Yang, and Metapolitics

I don’t like parroting memes from other specific people, but for this, I’ll start it with TRS’ Kosher sandwich.

No, not that kind
Republican or Democrat, Left or Right, there is a problem with seeing what's less Jewish than the alternative. Jews play both sides, and, whether you believe it’s an organized conspiracy or not, it’s undeniable that that control both sides, at least, in mainstream American politics. Be it Christian Zionism it explicit anti-whiteness, the Republican and Democratic parties, they have us in a literal heads I win tails you lose scenario.
But Jews didn’t create this. If you believe that they did, then, I’m gonna have to question your sanity. If they did, why, then, need to subvert and destroy it? By thinking that if any institution, idea, or group that has Jews in it, like most world governments, or has adopted a sort of Jewish thought, ‘been Jewed’, as some, like me, would say, as most Christian churches have, you shouldn’t conclude that these are unsalvageable. If you think that the presence of Jews makes something become inherently Jewish, you are essentially declaring surrender, as that idea makes our society and culture retroactively Jewish, not by their lies, but by our own submission.
It’s clearly a problem if you claim to be anti-Jewish and agree with the most subversive of Jews against your own intersests, so, don’t attack me, or anyone, who talk positively of anything under any sort of Jewish influence. It’s the worst kind of purity spiral. If you think like this, you’re either and idiot or subversive.
Why does this matter though, at least, in this conversation?
Because that means that both sides must have validity. By admitting that everything is jewed, a freedom is attained, as you don’t need to see what is jewed, but, instead, skip that step, and simply look at what the Jews have that is salvageable. The devil tells half-truths, not lies. And instead of wasting time to see if there are Jews, it’s better to assume there are, and work with actual effieciency. Not to say we should ignore the JQ, but, to find a footing in the mainstream, we have to accept there are plenty of Jews.
Politically, for my eco-fascist views, we can see this from the Democrat’s fiscal and environmental policy, and the Republicans for most of their non-Jewish social and border policies, and the Jewish ideas are very, clearly, Jewish. And hell, in the past years, both Republicans and Democrats have had good policy on war on foreign policy, although the motivations are often different, although non-Jewish. Pro-war is the most Jewish position on the spectrum, and, while not every other take is great, we can still keep a non-Jewish base and make it viable. THAT’s the point.
Of course, right now, Zion Don is being VERY Jewish. We need to see that in this clown world, a great president is a pipe dream. We only need one who isn’t bad and some good, so, we need to ask if we should go for Trump next election cycle, or will we go with someone like Yang? The least harm and most good is our qualifier. Easy, right?
Not exactly. We also need balance, and not just the metaphysical, eco-fascistic way, but in a more liberal sense. We need to swing the pendulum, as people say. We need to, most of all, end the regularity of two-term presidents that has happened for most presidents in recent history- three since WWII. THREE.
That’s too long for a political paradigm to settle in and be corrupted. We need to make our politicians rush to work and be efficient, because who knows what we’re gonna do next election.
Not just that, but we also need to get every good opinion in, saturate the market before one thing can be semitically eviscerated. We want people to be directly given a shit about by our leader? Let’s go for Yang in 2020, get his arguments out there, and, even if he wins, even if we love him and he does great, we’ll have to drop him by 2024 for something new, and then in 2028, and so on.
We’re in a shitty democracy, so we should use that for our ADVANTAGE. I’ll even align with accelerationsist ideology, not supporting violence, but chaotic voting. Swing left today so we can be even FURTHER right tomorrow. Yang says whites and Christians exist and that capitalism and socialism isn’t a stark dichotomy? A new Republican is going to support at least one of them soon. By not allowing the party’s policies to sink in, we can un-subvert Jews without doing any subversion ourselves. As noble as struggle is, we don’t need to do it, at least, not now.
If we want a marketplace of ideas, to hell with strong leadership. A strong foundation will build a synagogue, so let’s make quicksand. While they struggle and sink, we can stay calm and still.