Mexico demands apologies, but they should be giving them

From the Big Black Broadcasting Media;
The President Obrador of Mexico, the first leftist president in nearly 70 years for them, sent a letter yesterday to the King of Spain, Felipe VI, and Pope Francis, demanding an 'apology' for the conquistador's conquest of what is, now, Latin America.
The Pope, being a fucking Pope as he is, actually apologized LAST YEAR to indigenous Mexicanos, but Obrador is a leftist, and, of course, isn't simply satisfied by people agreeing with him. No, he wants them to totally surrender to his twisted version of truth. Even though the Francis is a leftist, he is still a religious figure, and therefore Obrador's enemy. And a leftist wants to deconstruct their enemy just as much as they want to deconstruct society as a whole. Fuck your own past and the world's good traditions, he says.
As of today, the Pope has not responded. He's to hoping he doesn't. Him shooting Obrador down, sadly, is unrealistic.
>Ask yourselves, what would Urban II do?
Thankfully, King Felipe shot the message down. I'm not a huge fan of Monarchy, call me a burger, whatever, but I'm glad that at least he's not cucking. Not only does he not need to apologize to Mexico, as he, and most of his family, have absolutely fucking nothing to do with what Hernan Cortez did in the 1500s.
For that matter, Felipe should be asking Mexico for a fucking thanks. Not to say that wiping out the Aztecs and Incas and all them was moral at all, but, quite frankly, Mexicans are lucky that they don't have to face this world with the fact that they were the actors of the most brutal human sacrifice rituals in the history of the world.
From that same BBC link earlier- something like 20% or less of Mexicans identify as the indigenous, but, if you've ever spent the time in California or Texas, living with these people as I, regrettably, have, you'll know that at least half think they're the fucking Aztecs.
I wonder why? Maybe it's because the indigenous are shit, and as such want to go to the bigger teat to feed from, or because these lecherous immigrants want to cling to their fake identity here. It's probably both.
Quite frankly, Mexico, and it's shitty leftist president, need to apologize for their disgusting behavior that their society displayed for generations before Europeans arrived and fixed it. If they finally say they're sorry, and want our forgiveness for the constant dismemberment, killing, and religious cannibalism as their fellow indigenos bled to death as sacrifice atop their ugly temples, then I'll only criticize them for what they do today.
Still, it's fun watching this thing fail, as people recognized the Spicommie as an idiot.