Christchurch, New Zealand; Two Weeks Later

New Zealand, a whole country, a free, white , first world, anglo, fcountry, along with their island brothers Australia, are working to flat out ban objectively apolitical sites, for allowing wrongthink.
All because my fellow eco-fascist Brent Tarrant went a little of the rails in trying to maintain the balance between whites and islam. I’m still a pacifist, but I do beleive that some poeple have an intirisic right to be the balance holders, and exceed the non-violence that should be held strictly in the general populous, and, while I certainly don’t think I have any right to be one, I think that Tarrant may.
Regardless of my views- Brent knew what he was doing. He knew that the government would respond how they did, and I’m nowhere near the first person to say this. He was also totall sane and competent, and, while not necassarily of properly morally judgemental, he clearly was cognizent of what his plan was before, during, and after his livestreamed shooting.
And, most likely, he knew that he’d be treated as the greatest evil in history for it.
Even though he killed 50 people- lots of people, yes, and very condemning for him, indeed, but still. FIFTY. Compare that to the long term planning of attacks like 9/11, or the incessantness the Islamic barages on Stockholm, or Malmo, or Amsterdam, or Utrecht, or Cologne, or Berlin, or Paris, or London.
On terrorist attacks, let’s get this straight: BRENT’S WAS THE FIRST TERRORIST ATTACK IN 18 YEARS TO DO ANYTHING. Two decades almost of islamic terror and, if anybody even wants to do anything, the anti-white establishment blames the right- look at the excuses for Omar Mateen’s Orlando shooting; he was a closeted gay arab man who was mentally broken by right-wing white men’s bigotry. It’s absurd.
2,996 people died in 9/11. Teetering on 3,000.
Not even countring THIS:
I would include a picture if it was enough to see.
What should we, take from this as political people? What about what is more important, as white people?
I’d take that we should recognize how quickly we, or even just one of us, however ‘us’ a terrorist can be, can adjust the political paradigm. Any plans or ideas that White Nationalists, espcially in New Zealand, or Australia, were decimated by Brent’s, to be generous, accelerationist, agenda. I don’t like accelerationism, which I went into in my Andew Yang peice, but, I will admit this; between someone who wants the pace to keep moving as slow as it is, and Brent, Brent won.
So then plan shifts. We can live with this. But now what? Either, something else happens that’s, for whatever reason, big enough to shift focus, or they keep demonizing and attacking us for what Tarrant did, or, somehow, they just let it die down. In an ‘accelerated’ world, teetering between barely managble sanity and liberating insanity, a new plan won’t be fast enough to work. But we aren’t there yet- I think.
So, again, now what? How do we remain in control of what’s our own?
Well, one solution, a shit solution, is violence. It worked once, why not? Besides the fact that it will lead to near universal hatred of anyone affiliated with whoever did it, unless of course, they’re Muslim.
This is also why Syria and Iran are LAME. Also violence is too. Please don’t do it.
The only actual good idea, however, is to take advantage of this violence. Specifically, this one case- the New Zealand attack. Recognize the changes in our world as a result of it, but, also, make sure to take advantage of what stays the same. What plan did you have before, and how will it be, or has it been, changed? Find this, and work around it intelligently, and only make plans that can also be easily altered by the next big event. We will eventually get good at it, and soon, any attacks, false flag or not*, won’t be able to touch us anywhere near as bad as our enemies want.
This is the titular strategy of ‘adjustmentalism’. This worlds’ changing, so let’s be ready to change too. It has a similar base theory to that of accelerationism, or terrorism, or even accelerationist terrorism**, with taking action in accordance with the world at large, whether they like it or not. Unlike other stems from this root theory, adjustmentalism is actually politically viable in practice, and won’t make us seem like delusional sociopaths. So practice this we must.
We want people to keep talking about Brent Tarrant, because this adjustment is only viable for limited time. I still dislike this situation, and wish it never happened, and would like to think that it is, in fact, fake. But, it did happen, and it was real, and we can’t change that. But we can’t stop.
We can’t just wait for it to blow over. That’s practical surrender. We have to adjust, and become better. We’re under attack, but we’re always under attack. So we might as well make the most of it.

*I am NOT opening that can of worms
**The difference being that an accelerationist simply encourages doing things to ruin society, like supporting a bad candidate (which Yang is NOT), while a terrorist tries to scare people into complacency, while an accelerationist terrorist tries to make a group people angry to provoke a response from another group of people. Brent Tarrant is an accelerationist terrorist.