Why I support gun control
I’ve realized it’s been over eight years, since I ditched the shithole that was the American education system, and I haven’t even done a review! It’s sad, since, in the past year, all my old fans got their social media scrubbed, and, it seems, this blog is the only place on the whole internet where my original site is still mentioned. RIP h8splotch.org, your jew-shaped rorshasch splotch, and hate speech, will be missed.
So, what in my shitty hippie life will I be discussing today-

SCOTUS refuses to block ban on bump stocks
Alright, I’ll take this.
First, I wanna say, why? I know Trump himself pushed the ban, but I thought these judges were supposed to be the most Conservative in history, and I’m, partially, disappointed.
Now, partially? That’s right, because I’m not in Trump’s camp, or in his SCOTUS’ idea box. It’s time for me to come out.
I like gun control.
And honestly, I hate the delusions of the gun debate, and always have, call it a layover from my well-documented hippie fag rebelling days against my mainstream, conservative parents days, but, I simply don’t enjoy the Boomercon take on this. And you shouldn’t either

Muh guns’- old cuck who’d keel over if he shot an AR
For some reason, this is the hill that conservatives want to die a bloody, brutal death on. Not anything for the first ammendment, but only the second. And they don’t even just interpret it as more important, they’ll obsess with it, and, while they won’t be an Ancap fighting for rocket launchers, it’s still absurd that, in mainstream politics, bump stocks are a hill people will actually die on.
At least, when they’re not dying for israel
I’ll admit, I don’t know if my beliefs are the most compatible with the United States, as it is not an eocfascist nation, although, I might argue that the Roman inspiration, Jeffersonian, limited republic, and Agrarian ideals of the early republic would lead to ecofascism when translated to the modern world. Furthermore, their different ideology does not give them the excuse to disregard nature. I truly believe in a natrualist worldview, so, it’s right that I want to put my beliefs onto others. I’m not a relativist or a liberal.
I expect to be called a Cuck for my support of common sense gun control, but I’d certainly BE a cuck if I rolled over and keep my beliefs to me. Advocating for my beliefs is by no means cucked, and if you express support for white nationalism, or eco fascism, or anthing similar, you are just as uncucked.
So I should put myself and the issue into context, with a background.
For me, at least, the issue has been known since when I was growing up in the late 90’s and early 2000’s in a deep red midwestern state. I had been raised to believe that gun control was bad, because that’s what communists did. That’s how my parents were raised and, remembering the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s as a time of Cold War, with the social upheaval not viewable in the suburban midwest, they raised me just the same. This view on war, though I didn’t realize until recently, greatly affected my future views.
As I aged, I became disillusioned, seeing the left fight against war and for the environment. As I said, I was against war due to the Cold War influence on my parents, and I was for the environment because I was raised in a rural/suburban community and disliked the city. So while everyone surrounding me was deeply Republican, my young mind saw issues in a different light, and with the internet, I went down the path to become a left-libertarian, leading me to drugs and dropping out of High School at age 17
From there I stayed in the (often literal) hippie camp for 4 years, originally against American culture, saying that guns were to cause for pro-war Republican attitudes, becoming against them in a really gay way, but, as I grew, and left Green Anarchism, I kept this attitude. I saw it as balanced- a balanced society cannot have massive armament of citizens, and I’ve kept this position despite my own massive ideological shift in the past decade.
Gun control, meanwhile, has remained mostly the same for as long as I can remember, with the NRA not giving an inch, the democrats demanding sense, and this being exasparated by the occasional mass shooting.
Personally, I don’t believe that Democrats want to take our guns to enslave us in mind and body, because I’m not a fucking boomer. This doesn’t mean that I like Zio-marxists wanting to cuck us into submission, however. Most radical, anti-defense gun control from far leftists and verafiable retards like David Hogg aren’t valid, nor conspiratorial, but no less immoral.
It’s plain to see a no-guns-at-all rule is deflection by dumb leftists who want to direct attention away from social causes of mass shootings, like the disillusion and atomization their ideas cause. It’s a cope for urban bugmen in the most direct sense.
For this argument, I need very few actual researched sources. How about how Emma Gonzales admitted to bullying the kid who shot up her school? How about how Dwayne Dixon talked proudly about how he waved a gun at James Alex Fields’ Challenger in Charlottesville? These people’s politics allowed them to place all the blame for the deaths they were near on the people opposite to them.

What's really horrifying is how unhealthy they look
When looking at leftist’s positions, despite agreeing with me in part, that there should be gun restrictive legislation, my position is, in fact, vindicated. They support imbalance, separating social from direct causes of shooting death, something contrary to the universal truth and unitarian ideology that is fascism, especially ecofascism. This dissunited abstract is against the core of my ideology.

Hoping I don't sound too much like an Ironmarch tard now
So, how can gun control be balanced? Well, first, you gotta adopt looser gun control, as moderates propose, by restricting things like mag size, fire rate, and, of course, bump stocks. These are because these only benefit the chaos of a one-man attack, as opposed to home protection, which needs more coordinated shots, or an armed militia, as any movement with legitimacy will probably have enough men in it to render these augmentations impactless on damage that could be done. This all leads to the value of balance, still held at the center of thought. A safe shot for your home balances protection of life and property, and the point on armed militas balances the line between tyranny and anarchy.
This is usually called ‘common sense’ stuff, and I agree. It uses common sense to prevent the most basic of values from growing out of control, protecting the most basic aspects of our country. For the base of this balance, I say it stays between bugman soyboys cucking and Boomers’ 1776 LARPing, giving us the power to have a safe, sane society.
This is why I support gun control.