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Kraut and Reee, or, the study of the repressed wigger

Every picture in this is my OC

I have previously mentioned I do not believe in cabalistic conspiracies, but the cultural conspiracy is very real. As such, urbanization is seen as good and normal, while rural workers- the true providers, and, the backbone of any nation, are attacked by this Judaic-spawned culture. Likewise, self- loathing, both as a sexual fetish among Jews (see perverts like Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K>, and many others from years past), and, as a way to destroy white people, is very prevalent.

All of these tactics used by cultural infiltrators to subvert us, especially the ones given there, are useful methods when it comes to applying them alone, and reasonably so, these tactics were mixed due to no real ruling force behind this subversion besides intangible culture, and, because the faster, the better for these sorts of things. However, purity is a virtue, and mixing these, while it can have the desired effect, as their goal is to destroy, it can create some interesting cases...

Kraut and Tea is one of these cases.

Kraut and Tea was the Pseudonym of an atheist construction worker who was an advocate for enlightenment values brought into modern day. I won't call him Kraut- his name is Joseph Lancaster (or Leinkester), and I will call him such.

Joseph was born to an English father and a German/Jewish mother in about 1990. Now, psychologically, this mix, along with the environment he was reared in, had serious impact on his life. He was raised in an urban setting with a standard amount of indoctrination, meaning his instinctual Jewish self-hatred and his programmed white self-hatred contradicted, and as such, he clearly became socially outlasted. He wrote on old forum posts about his life, and how miserable it was, to a degree that he either was the most miserable person in history, or he was desperate for attention. Much of this involved genital torture, which is where I draw the Jewy perverseness from. Most people in Joseph's position would become my least favorite thing- a wigger, but, due to his Jewish blood, he was too stuck up for this- as emphasized by his absurdly urbanite hatred for rural whites; the 'Cletus' archetype.

This appears to be an effect of what we would call poz. Joseph's acts are clearly conflicted, with the aforementioned hatred of the rural and sexual perversion coming from the Jewish cultural rearing, amplified by the equally toxic atheism. His adoration of the sophisticated and intellectual is that of a standard white, but he seems to not want to put in the work needed to attain such status. This laziness, combined with his desperation for attention, have made me think that he is, also, influenced by nigger culture. His dislike for his culture of rearing, shown by his phony British accent and rejection of his rural German roots, while not as subversive as a pure kike, is very influential to this type of wigger.

Joseph is Jewy, no doubt about it, however, the rejection of roots for the preference of a less deep, less fulfilling, and less honest existence is still wigger, through and through. His tactics are jewy, but is ideas are wiggery. In a pozzed way, he is everything, but, he is nothing.

NEXT UP: 0% NIGGER, (despite what he'd have you believe) 100% WIGGER- Sargon!


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