The Nomad Files: San Diego
Here’s some Fluff. You can skip it.
As a writer, I don’t like, personally, engaging in myself as a person. My writing is best explained as extroverted, I write for others. I use a pseudonym to protect myself, but honestly I consider it, and, practically every other internet pseudonym used by online personalities, absurdly silly. Yes- absurdly absurd.
As such, I wouldn’t expect you to read this much further. But for those guys who have, here’s some background, considering whatever title I choose is done so after writing, as my style is to write a lot, and then, publish those things. For those who have read h8splotch and antifaggoy, my shoah’d former sites, will know I have written things that have gone unpublished for months. Regrettably, I have, also, neglected to archive those works, a mistake I won’t make again.
Already, a deviation from prior writings, as this will be far longer, and, more detailed. Anyway, back to the story. As promised, the background is something I can give easily, despite what I suspect this piece will turn out to be. I live as a sort of nomad- I have friends in a few major cities, apartments always open, but I tend to drive around. It’s comfortable and affordable. After the horrendous events of the super bowl, including many white guys trashing stuff, and, some dumbass even eating literal horseshit off the ground in celebration, I’ve been inspired.
I lived in Philadelphia for a few months in 2017. It’s a shit town, but, probably, not the worst I’ve been to. Still, I was appalled and horrified at the utter barbarism displayed in Philadelphia this Sunday. As a midwesterner (born and raised in rural/suburban Nebraska), City people have always been a different sort of folk, and, ever since I got into politics in 2015, I saw that a city is home to a different breed of humanity. White flight is a clear sign of this.
However, I am not here to talk about the city vs rural divide, nor do I ever intend to write about such a topic. I am going to talk about my own experiences of many certain cities, in a series of sorts. This time, I’ll do the first real Hellhole I experienced… San Diego, CA.

San Diego is a city which overwhelming votes democrat, and, is over 40% Hispanic. It's mostly kept alive by tourist money. It is, definitely, a nice city, whose streets are wide and palm trees tall, but, the people in it, are, for the most part, disgusting. The majority of representatives from the area supported the move to block crude oil from Trump's drilling operations-, an illegitimate and anti-american act. This, of course, reflects the nature of the citizens. since local elections are far more reflective of people's view than the federal ones.
These people are miserable. The hot, humid weather can be tempered by the cool Pacific water, but beaches tend to be empty. Some of the nicest parts of the city are good because people don't go to them, and, they don't get filthy as a result. The only place worthwhile is Little Italy, which does have a very authentic feel, and is very white (inb4 Nordicist spergs).
I have some choice experiences to mention. First, is a view of whiteness. I knew two brothers, whose father was a white guy of Germanic descent, and whose mother was a Venezuelan spic. Both mixed race of the same amount (I'd guess about 70-75% white), both with dark brown hair and brown eyes with pale skin, they saw each other differently. The older one saw himself as white, and was more than passing as such. The younger one also looked quite white, but that one said he was Hispanic. I just found that interesting, not trying to deconstruct.
Another interesting personal experience was in Coronado Island, a naval base and large pier, all the people who seemed to like Seagulls were women, and most of all, non white women. The 'theecc la-tee-nah" does not wish to protect her own, and will happily invite in creatures as disgusting as seagulls. That, combined with their open disdain for white people (and I know I dress and am kept awfully, but it's impossible to deny, and even I have my good days), I wonder how they would act with seagulls attacking, a, say, Mexican festival.
Finally, I met up with a old friend from my hippie fag days. He hung around the *gay scene* of San Diego. Back in those days we'd meet up after some driving around the country, play guitars, smoke weed, what not. We both considered ourselves left-libertarians, and, I imagine he still does, as he's a faggot. He took me too some bars, and I met his boyfriend. He no longer subscribed to the ideas of going around, spreading hippie-ism around, and meeting up, and is now a full on degenerate, working to drown himself in vices. I couldn't imagine myself going that way. In a way, it is weird, as, I still see myself in the left-libertarian mindset, however I consider myself an eco-fascist. Expansionism has replaced charity, esotericism naturism.
Ignoring personal things, fuck San Diego. It's not a good city.