The Truth of #YangGang, or, It's Just Math

I was pro-Trump in 2016 in the smallest brained way- I didn’t like the way people were coming in, and, I was still a degenerate, 1.5 at best, still living in a van in Central California.
But, now, I will not be a Yang Brainlet. A Yanglet, if you may (No relation to a lanklet, I don’t think I’m tall enough to be that). The Yang Gang, while being a reactionary, not particulary intellectual meme wave, has actually awakened some of the most intelligent discussion there is. You can tell this is true because there are some really good memes.
There are three actual takes on Yang, and two are actually good;
Andrew Yang has said more for white people, and, also, against Israel, than Donald Trump ever has, and that’s what really matters. He is also a non-interventionist and wants to lower foreign aid. These social and international views are more important than party lines, and we need to show that. Yang is a statement.
White people are, or should be, done with asking the government to stop doing things, asking them to end things, like, immigration, welfare, and food stamps. It’s time for whites to start making postive demands, saying, we want ourselves to be benefitted, starting with my Thousand Dollars. Yang is an engine.
Accelerationism* is what we need at this point- the quickest and surest way to collapse the system and still have a nation left, without, say, a flood of nonwhite immigrants, or literally everything going to Israel, is to vote Yang. Let him do it. Yang is a bomb.
*aka the blackpill cope
The third is, of course, idiotic. Societal collapse will never come as fast as you think or want, and the definitions of survivability do not hinge on one man.
I, also, partially, agree with the second. I don’t believe Yang is the white people’s candidate, nor does he want to be. However, by actually including us, he does acknowledge we exist, and will show us as legitimate. It’s sad and minimal, but, as the first take may argue, it’s the best we got. The main concern here, is that these ‘positive demands’ are minimal compared to how much of Yang’s rhetoric and ideals mirror the average Democratic Party Candidate.
I do, however, like the first one. Though no candidate is perfect, we need to show people that Trump is so bad that Yang is worth it, however, we also must actually make sure that a supported candidate will actually be good, for this godforsaken country.

Now, Yang’s UBI policy would mean a lot more than Trump’s continued $40 Billion to Israel annually- over two trillion a year, in fact. A Boomer would argue that this is unfeasible- after all, look what Obummer did to the national debt!
But this, too, is stupid. Our debt is what the Government owes other nations and bodies as a function of its own finances, and, thanks to finally actually researching economics (I didn’t just smoke during my hiatus), it is clearly Jewish bullshit. The US Dollar is its own standard, but still enslaves us with an artificial monetary system and a lack of actual backbone to support it and say ‘Fuck off.’
(As a side note, my own views were vindicated to a surprising degree. As an ecofascist, before it was cool, I think that that nature has some of the rare objective value that should be used in economics, as it permates our world, and has been here longer than anything. Think of it as what labor was for the German economy under Hitler. Land and climate also helps shape national identity, and all that. Yang says he’d support the Green New Deal, but, as he says, “It’s math”, so I’m sure the based asian could work the numbers so AOC’s stupidity doesn’t hurt America).
Yang’s ideas, blatantly, aren’t the best. Anyone from Mark Zuckerberg to Richard Spencer can support UBI, that doesn’t mean that it’ll work any more, especially in today’s system. And, Andrew Yang’s UBI platform won’t either, but, that’s the point. It’s today’s system.
Where the accelerationists get it wrong is that they want the end of our system, our society. They think we’re doomed and we should simply work to advance its total implosion. And, yes, while I concede that Yang is good because he will bring down the system, I don’t believe he’ll just crash and burn it, nor, should we want him to.
I believe that, if we positively support him, as opposed to simply rooting for him to destory what’s left of our country, he will succeed. That is, however, only if we help him fight, as, to actually succeed, he’ll have to fight the system, and he’ll only will that sight if we support him. We can’t let up if he is to succeed in the best of ways.
The Yang Gang, in my view, is really a synthesis between several basic views on him. It’s like accelerationism, as support of him has an ulterior motive of dismantling an existing system, but it isn’t mindless destruction, and our support in this will only see victory if it is supportive directly of the end of much of our modern financial system. If we flood him in support without real direction, we will drown him.
It is also a way to advocate for white people, as Yang, unlike most Democrats, is very honest, and cares about America. This makes him better for white Americans- the truest Americans- than any other candidate. And he’ll be the closest we’ll ever have to come to revolution. We need success without violence. This is what Yang offers. A last, desperate hope- but a hope

Much like these statistics, UBI is just Math!
Supporting Yang ought to be something in the long run- if Jewish financiers get their way, America will be far worse off under a UBI policy, however, if Yang keeps with his grassroots nature (which he has, unlike Trump, a billionaire, who never had it), we can help him overcome this.
If Yang wins, (and, that’s not as big of an if as you might think), and we stick with him, we can grab that bag, and begin the end of the Jewish financial stranglehold.